Journal of English Teaching and Learning <p>This journal contains information about the teaching and learning of the English language as well as the latest information about the usefulness and importance of English in society. This journal is under the auspices of the Faculty of Teaching and Education, University of August 17, 1945, Banyuwangi. presented to students, lecturers, and all academics in Banyuwangi.</p> en-US (Abd. Rahman) (Devi Novitasari) Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 USING CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING ACHIEVEMENT <p>Writing is a productive skill in learning language. Many students have difficulties in writing a foreign language. Writing needs a long term process and pre activities before paragraph making. This research has a goal to solve the problem above through clustering technique to improve students’ writing achievement in descriptive text. CAR (classroom action research) was chosen as method in this research at Islamic senior high school based in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. The data of the study was obtained by writing test and observation checklist. All collected data were analyzed quantitatively. The result of writing test shows that there is significant improvement from the score before the action was given. There were 69% out of 26 students achieved minimum passing grade. There was significant improvement from 19% to 69%. The improvement in this study indicates that students are able to produce new ideas into a good text and brainstorm idea before they write a draft. Moreover, the use of clustering technique also could improve students’ active participation the teaching and learning process. The result of students participation increased from 16 students (62%) to 24 students (92%).</p> Dian Pertiwi Pertiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Pertiwi Pertiwi Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN READING MOTIVATION AND READING COMPREHENSION AT VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL <p>This study aimed to find out the relationship between reading motivation and reading comprehension in a foreign language. This research was carried out at vocational high school, with are 99 students of the tenth grade in vocational high school that were randomly selected from five majors: automation and officer governance (OTKP), accounting a nd financial institutions, online business and marketing, culinary, and computer and network engineering. Data were collected through distributing questionnaire and reading comprehension test. Foreign Language Motivation Reading Questionnaire (FLMRQ) was employed to find out students‟ reading motivation in English and reading comprehension test to find out scores‟ students. The findings, there is no correlation because they have motivation to read in English but their motivation does not run well. Their motivation is not implemented because students‟ ability to read in English is lack or in other words they do not master many English vocabularies. It is seen from the average value of their reading comprehension test is low (56.00) but result of reading motivation is high (72.45).</p> Kinesti Arining Tyas Tyas Copyright (c) 2024 Kinesti Arining Tyas Tyas Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE EFFECTS OF USING PODCASTS IN THE TEACHING OF LISTENING ON STUDENTS’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT <p>The use of podcast in the world of education has been going on for a while, but some experts still have different opinions about the benefits of it for the education itself. The aim of this research was to investigate whether or not students who were taught listening by using podcasts get higher score on their listening comprehension test compare to other students who were taught listening by using non-podcasts materials. This study was a quasi-experimental post-test only design which employed eleventh graders majoring mathematics and natural sciences 1 as the control group and eleventh graders of mathematics and natural sciences 2 as the experimental group. The research itself lasted for 5 meetings, 4 meetings were used as teaching and learning process and 1 meeting for post-test. The data of this study were collected by using multiple choice listening comprehension test. The data that were obtained were then analyzed by using independent sample t-test and calculated through the use of SPSS 16 with 5% (0.05) significant level. Based on the result of the data analysis, there is no significant effect on using podcasts in the teaching of listening on students’ listening comprehension achievement. In summary, it can be concluded that students who were taught listening by using podcasts do not get better score on their listening comprehension test than those who were taught listening by using non-podcasts materials.</p> Umi Rohiyatul Zahrok Zahrok Copyright (c) 2024 Umi Rohiyatul Zahrok Zahrok Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SELF-CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION, AND STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p>This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-confidence, motivation and speaking achievement. The present study used correlational research approach which examine whether two or more variables have correlation or not. There were 39 respondents that were taken 25 % from five classes in the eleventh graders at one of secondary school in Banyuwangi. The instruments used were self-confidence and motivation questionnaire and students’ speaking achievement test. Pearson product moment and scatter plot in SPSS were used to analyze the data so that there was a result whether there is correlation or not. The finding revealed that there is no significant correlation between self-confidence and speaking achievement. Not only the self-confidence which is there was no correlation but also motivation and speaking achievement too.</p> Erlin Rizka Arofah Arofah Copyright (c) 2024 Erlin Rizka Arofah Arofah Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 USING WORD WALL TO IMPROVE EFL STUDENTS' VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p>One component of learning English is vocabulary mastery. Teachers can develop lessons to increase student's vocabulary achievement by using media that is interesting and fun such as Word Wall. The aim of the research was to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement using Word Wall. The setting of this research was at one of secondary school in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. The present study applied Classroom Action Research (CAR). The data were collected from the vocabulary test and observation. The previous students’ vocabulary mean score was 60. The result from vocabulary test after the action showed that the mean score was 76.2. The result showed that there were significant improvement on students’ vocabulary achievement compared to the students’ vocabulary mean score before using Wordwall media. The result of observation checklist also showed significant improvement from meeting to meeting. In meeting 1, 45.5% actively participated during the teaching and learning process. In meeting, 2, 55% of students participated actively. In meeting 3 and 4, the percentage of students who actively participated in wordwall based vocabulary teaching and learning improved from 60.8% to 90%. The findings suggest that the use of Word Wall as media can significantly improve EFL students’ vocabulary achievement.</p> Putri Sindy Arlinsa Sari Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Sindy Arlinsa Sari Sari Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800